
Kasich Calls White House 'Shameful' Because Flag Is Back to Full Staff

President Trump is getting criticized by people of all political stripes Monday because the American flag is already back at full staff at the White House less than 48 hours after Sen. John McCain's (R-AZ) passing. The flags surrounding the Washington monument are still at half staff. Typically, when the White House orders the flags at half staff to mourn a late lawmaker, it remains at half staff until the funeral. 

Ohio Gov. John Kasich called the White House's decision shameful.

Kasich added that he ordered all public flags in Ohio to be lowered at half staff.

In addition to raising the flag back to full staff, others noted that Trump never issued a proclamation noting McCain's passing.

Trump sparred with the late senator numerous times over the past few years. While on the campaign trail in 2015, then-candidate Trump suggested McCain was not a war hero because he had been captured in Vietnam. After McCain voted against the bill to repeal Obamacare last year, a frustrated Trump mentioned it several times at campaign events.

Still, Trump did send out this message on Twitter on Sunday.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders is sure to be asked about the American flag placement at today's White House briefing.