
NBC Host Falsely Accuses WH Of Making Illegal Claims In Tweet

Monday, Andrea Mitchell falsely claimed that it was unlawful for the White House to go after lawmakers for their policy positions. The official White House Twitter account posted several tweets on Monday, going after Democratic lawmakers for their policy positions concerning ICE and MS-13 members. 

The White House called out specific lawmakers, including Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA). 

NBC’s Andrea Mitchell posted several tweets that were directed as a response to the White House, even going so far as to claim illegality in the White House calling out specific lawmakers. 

FBI’s Gabriel Malor later quoted her tweet, pointing out her errors. 

Mitchell's NBC colleague Maria Shriver also responded to the White House in a tweet. 

Dana Linzer, Managing Editor of Politics for NBC News and MSNBC, also weighed in on the debate. 

The issue was discussed this morning on “Fox and Friends.”

“Got to be unprecedented then! Stunning that, only this White House, Steve would do that,” said Pete Hegseth, sarcastically.

“Apparently there has been some sort of memory loss because this happened during the Obama administration [too],” responded co-host Steve Doocey.

The Fox News hosts then went onto display and read the following Tweet which was archived from the Obama Administration.

"Oh boy, so not so stunning," responded Hegseth. There were even more archived tweets from the Obama Administration that, Fox News did not show.