
SCOTUS Sides With Pro-life Pregnancy Centers Against California Law

The Supreme Court has decided in favor of crisis pregnancy centers in NILFA v. Becerra by a tight vote of 5-4. Justice Clarence Thomas wrote the opinion, explaining that the California law forcing pro-life centers to advertise taxpayer-funded abortion violates the First Amendment.

The California Reproductive Freedom, Accountability, Comprehensive Care, and Transparency Act required licensed pregnancy centers to notify women that California provides free or low-cost services, including abortions. That mandate, Thomas wrote, "likely violates the First Amendment" and "unduly burdens protected speech." 

Pro-life groups and activists are celebrating that pregnancy centers will no longer have to "advertise" for the abortion lobby.

Pro-abortion groups, however, are outraged.

There are thousands of crisis pregnancy centers in the U.S., offering free or low-cost services, medical care and resources to women.

This post has been updated.