
Lena Dunham Bashes Pro-Life Movement Over Immigration

Following reports of children being separated from their parents after illegally crossing the border, actress and outspoken feminist Lena Dunham accused the pro-life movement of hypocrisy, for not defending “living children.” 

In December 2016, Dunham admitted in an episode of her Woman of the Hour podcast entitled “Choice” that she regretted not having an abortion.

“So many people I love – my mother, my best friends – have had to have abortions for all kinds of reasons,” Dunham said. “I feel so proud of them for their bravery, for their self-knowledge, and it was a really important moment for me then to realize I had internalized some of what society was throwing at us and I had to put it in the garbage. Now I can say that I still haven’t had an abortion, but I wish I had,” said Dunham

“Several celebrities and feminist media have expressed similar sentiments,” reported NewsBusters on Tuesday.

“It's funny, I haven't seen any outcry from "pro-life" organizations about the treatment of children at the border. Almost as if they don't give a sh*t about actual babies,” tweeted Jessica Valenti, Guardian columnist and author of Sex Object: A Memoir

Valenti continued her Twitter rant later that day. 

She event went so far as to go after the pro-life organization Susan B. Anthony List.

In an opinion piece she wrote for the New York Times, Valenti asserted that conservative women who did not support abortion were not true feminists.