
Hillary Applauds Laura Bush for Condemning Border Separation Policy

"Laura Bush is right" in criticizing the Trump White House's family separation policy at the border, Hillary Clinton said Monday in New York City, siding with her fellow former first lady. Since April, 2,000 minors have been separated from their families while attempting to cross the border illegally. Critics, like Mrs. Bush and Mrs. Clinton, agree the policy is cruel. Mrs. Bush even wrote a whole op-ed about it, insisting there has to be a more humane way to deal with unaccompanied minors. 

Trump has blamed the current mess at the border on Democratic policies. Under his predecessor's watch, for instance, illegal immigrants used the loophole on unaccompanied minors to avoid prosecution.

During her New York City speech, Clinton rejected Trump's assertion. The buck stops with him, she said.

"This is not happening because of the 'Democrats' law,' as the White House has claimed," Clinton said. "Separating families is not mandated by law at all. That is an outright lie."

During her speech, Clinton applauded Bush for speaking up.

Trump doubled down Monday at the White House, again pointing fingers at Democrats.

"Immigration is the fault, and all the problems that we’re having because we cannot get them to sign legislation, we cannot get them even to the negotiating table, and I say it’s very strongly the Democrats' fault."