
CNN Panel on How Trump Could Earn a Nobel Peace Prize

Wednesday morning reports told us that current CIA Director and Secretary of State-Designate Mike Pompeo secretly met with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un over Easter weekend. 

President Trump confirmed the meeting, noting it was another step toward denuclearization.

It certainly appears to be a good sign for the Trump administration as it hopes to have a successful summit with the regime. Even CNN admitted that.

South Korea and North Korea are also expected to talk next week. How much of a "game changer" would it be for the White House and the world, a CNN panel noted Wednesday, if an official peace treaty emerges after these meetings?

“It would be a significant game changer for the world,” according to CNN Political Analyst John Avlon.

Trump’s toughness “could lead to real breakthroughs,” he added.

"New Day" anchor Chris Cuomo, a frequent critic of the White House and Kellyanne Conway's constant sparring partner, suggested that the North Korea talks could prove to be one of Trump's most shining moments.

“Arguably, it could be peace prize kind of stuff,” he suggested.

Military officials are also giving the administration props for pulling off Pompeo's incognito meeting with North Korea. Former Supreme Allied Commander of NATO James Stavridis gives Pompeo "full credit" for the surprising bit of diplomacy. He noted the symbolism of the CIA director meeting Kim Jong Un during Easter - a time of resurrection and new hope. 

"It's hard not to admire it."