
This Video Is Why Democrats Will Come to Regret Their SOTU Behavior

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and if that holds true, Democrats will seriously come to regret their decision to sit on their hands while President Trump touted the positive developments his policies have had on the lives of everyday Americans during his first State of the Union address.

Those who watched will remember that the vast majority of Democrats either refused to stand, applaud, or both when Trump discussed issues that should transcend partisan politics, including job creation, lower unemployment rates among minorities, higher wages, bonuses, efforts to fight the opioid epidemic, lowering the cost of prescription drugs, the American flag, national anthem, In God We Trust, diminishing the Islamic State, and more.

So, the Republican National Committee was smart to compile clips of some of the most jaw-dropping moments when Democrats were too overcome by their disdain for the president to be happy for the American people.

In the end, the clip asks Democrats what they stand for, which is a very good question. Clearly, not the American people. 

As the midterm elections draw nearer, Black Americans, Hispanic Americans, veterans, and patriots of all stars and stripes may forget what the president talked about during his State of the Union address but they won’t forget these images. 

President Trump will not waver in his commitment to the American people, RNC Chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniels said in a statement--something Congress could stand to learn from. 

“President Trump’s first year in office has been marked by policies that uplift the American people, strengthen our nation’s economy, and keep our communities safe,” she said. “From the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act to rebuilding our military and working to defeat terrorism, the President has made the well-being of every single American his priority."

"Congress needs to unite behind the President’s vision for a safe, strong, and proud America – now and in the years ahead," she added.