
Pro-Amnesty Protesters Storm Schumer's House

"Grow a spine!" 

"Don't make a deal with the devil!"

Those were some of the chants and signs Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) witnessed at his home in Brooklyn, NY Tuesday when pro-amnesty protesters stormed his house. Apparently they were a little peeved that the Senate Minority Leader offered President Trump billions of dollars to build his border wall during their discussions on immigration reform.

Schumer said he offered Trump a compromise on the border wall in order to protect the beneficiaries of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, which is soon set to expire. He rescinded his offer because Trump did not hold up his end of the deal, the minority leader told the press last week.

The Democrats' obsession over DACA led to the government shutdown over the weekend. Republicans used it to claim their friends on the other side of the aisle were placing illegal immigrant priorities over our military. On Monday, Schumer said Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell promised to bring immigration legislation to the floor next month, so Democrats voted to reopen the government.

While Schumer may have been temporarily appeased with McConnell's promise, Trump said Wednesday that Democrats can expect no DACA deal without the border wall.

Elsewhere in New York, protesters told Trump, "If you build a wall, we'll tear it down!"