
Some of Trump's Biggest Supporters Rip Him Over DACA, Illegal Immigration Comments

On Tuesday Donald Trump enjoyed a defining moment of his presidency when he hosted a bipartisan group of lawmakers at the White House to discuss DACA, border security and comprehensive immigration reform. 

For an hour President Trump allowed the press pool to watch the meeting with cameras rolling, which meant the American people were able to watch too. Everyone seated at the table, Republicans and Democrats, could be heard and ideas about how to proceed on the tough immigration issues facing a January 19 deadline were openly discussed. Some were accepted, others were shut down. 

"Truly, it [DACA fix] should be a bill of love," Trump said. 

For a moment, the resistance ceased. Democrats left the meeting and publicly praised Trump for his leadership. Mainstream outlets like CNN admitted he had "command of the room," and the transparency was praised by the usually combative press. 

But not everyone was impressed and some of the President's biggest supporters were left fuming. 

First Ann Coulter weighed in, saying it was the "lowest day of his presidency." Keep in mind she wrote the book In Trump We Trust

Then, Tucker Carlson piled on. 

"What was the point of running for president," he asked on his primetime Fox News program.

The House is set to release their immigration reform bill Wednesday afternooon. It is expected to demand border security in return for DACA.