
On Eve of Alabama Senate Race, Polls Are All Over The Place

Tomorrow, Tuesday, Alabamans will head to the polls to vote for their next senator. Republican Roy Moore, who has faced dozens of controversies over the last few weeks of the campaign, is up against Democrat Doug Jones. Jones has had an impressive cadre come to campaign for him in Alabama, including Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) and former President Barack Obama. 

Who will actually win the race, however, seems to be up in the air as numerous polls released on Monday came to exactly opposite conclusions. 

Take this Fox News poll, which had Jones up by a whopping 10 points. This is Jones' largest lead since the election began. 

But then there's this Emerson poll, which has Moore up by nine points over Jones. Comparatively, this is Moore's highest lead since the allegations against him surfaced. It's speculated that President Donald Trump's recent endorsement and public support of Moore drove his numbers up. 

So, what does this mean? Who knows. Here's speculation as to what could be driving these absolutely bizarre polling results: 

But it looks as though we'll have to sit tight until the polls close at 7 p.m. CST on Tuesday.