
Hillary Explains How Comey Went from 'Villain to Martyr'

Former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton joined radio host Hugh Hewitt Wednesday to discuss "What Happened" - what happened in the 2016 election, what happened with the FBI investigation into her emails, and what happened to her friendship with Donald Trump.

That last part may surprise voters, but it's true. The two, she said, used to be "cordial" with one another.

"He supported me when I ran for the Senate in New York," Clinton reminded Hewitt. "And then he began to traffic in all kinds of conspiracies like the birther conspiracy, and you know, then making all kinds of outrageous and untrue attacks on immigrants and others, and really being an equal opportunity insulter. I really did hope, and as I said in my concession speech, which I talk about in the book, I said we all need to give him a chance. And we all need to support our president. We have one president at a time. And I’ve been very disappointed in the way that he has conducted himself."

Clinton is especially dismayed that Trump has not said a word to defend the Children’s Health Insurance Program, which she helped introduce in Congress on a bipartisan basis and has been continued by each president since President Bill Clinton. Congress failed to authorize it this year.

The former secretary of state was just as disenchanted with former FBI Director James Comey, detailing both in the book and in their conversation how he went from "villain to martyr." She believes that he violated protocol when he publicly announced he wouldn't be prosecuting her. Yet, she believes he was wrongly treated when he was fired by President Trump, surmising that the president was just trying to protect himself from the Russia probe.

About "Those Damn Emails" (which comprises a whole chapter in her book), Clinton stood by her claim that she did not compromise sensitive national security intelligence on her private server.

"My husband’s office set it up, a former president’s office, and they had the highest level of security," she said. "I wish the government had had as high a level of security as there was on the server I used."

Read Clinton's complete comments to Hewitt here.