
Mitt Romney Weighs in on Roy Moore: 'Unfit for Office'

Mitt Romney has weighed in on the molestation allegations against Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore, and he did not hold back. He said that while Moore is technically innocent until he's found guilty in a court of law, he believes that he's categorically unfit for office and should "step aside." 

Further, Romney said that he believes Leigh Corfman, the woman who came forward to say that Moore sexually pursued her when she was 14 years old and he was 32. Corfman went on the record with the Washington Post to describe how Moore, who was assistant district attorney at the time, took her on dates and forced her hands on his underwear. Other women also told the paper that Moore had pursued them when they were in their teens as well. About 30 people have corroborated these allegations. 

Since the allegations were published, Republicans from Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-UT) to Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) have said that they believe Moore should drop out of the race or that he's not fit to represent Alabama in the Senate. 

And then there's this, which is just absolutely disturbing: 

Alabama will vote in a special election for Senate on December 12.

Good on Romney for being so forceful about this, and for making the distinction that just just because Moore hasn't been charged with a crime, he's okay to be in the Senate. The allegations against Moore are disturbing, even if they don't result in criminal charges.