
Lady Gaga Tweets at Trump, Paul Ryan that 'Blood is on the Hands' Of Legislators After Vegas Shooting

Singer Lady Gaga was among the celebrities calling for more gun control following the largest mass shooting in U.S. history in Las Vegas Sunday night. The Grammy-award winning singer tweeted at House Speaker Paul Ryan and President Trump that “blood is on the hands of those who have power to legislate,” in response to Ryan’s call for prayers.

“Prayers are important but @SpeakerRyan@realDonaldTrump blood is on the hands of those who have power to legislate. #GunControl act quickly,” she said.

In an earlier tweet, she called for Democrats and Republicans to unite and enact more gun control.

Lady Gaga announced later that she was holding a “20 minute moment of meditation/silence/prayer on my InstagramLive” for "calming of the world."

Actress Julianne Moore also called for more gun control and blamed Congressional inaction on gun control tweeting, “I mourn this senseless loss of life. What will it take, #Congress, for you to act?”

Other singers and performers simply relayed their prayers for the victims’ families.

The Sunday night shooting at the Route 91 Harvest festival left over 50 dead and over 500 injured. Many prominent Democrats, including Hillary Clinton and Sen. Richard Blumenthal, immediately called for increased gun control in light of the shooting.

Police are continuing to investigate a motive and how the shooter, Stephen Paddock, 64, obtained the weapons used in the shooting.