
Donald Trump, Jr. Takes Michael Moore To The Woodshed Over This Remark During Irma

As Hurricane Irma makes its way out of Florida, millions are left without power. The damage has yet to be assessed. Irma killed at least four people in Florida. Many millions more were ordered to flee in what could become one of the largest evacuations in history. Prior to the storm’s arrival, some five million people were told to leave their homes. As the rest of the nation prayed and waited to see what the storm would do just after Hurricane Harvey slammed Texas, dumping 33 trillion gallons of rain onto the U.S., and causing massive floods that killed 70 people, left wing activist Michael Moore and others decided to play politics. On Twitter, Moore asked if Mar-a-Lago, President Trump’s resort would be opened as a shelter for Irma victims.

Trump, Jr. responded with a zinger of his own, noting that it would be idiotic, as the resort is located on a barrier island that was included in the mandatory evacuation zone.   

“It's on an island on both the ocean & intercostal and in a mandatory evacuation zone... probably not the best idea, but you know, narrative!” tweeted the president’s son.

A similar question was pitched to Republican Gov. Rick Scott, who owns a beachfront residence in Naples, which was directly hit by Irma. Scott said “It’s nothing new... you can replace a house.

“I was more worried— my daughter just had two little babies. She’s further inland, and so I was more worried about her.”