
Report: Pelosi Was the One to Get Trump to Send Newest DACA Tweet

UPDATE: The House minority leader just thanked Trump for following her advice.

***Original Post***

Republicans are reeling from President Trump's decision to make a deal with Democrats over the debt ceiling. "Confounded" and "bewildered" is how The Washington Post described it on their homepage headlines.

Some were angrier than others. Sen. John Thune (R-SD) acknowledged that Republicans were "surprised." Others "gasped."

Asked for an explanation as to why the president caved to the will of Democratic leadership, House Speaker Paul Ryan said Trump wanted a “bipartisan response and not a food fight.”

The president took advantage of a bipartisan moment as the country reels from two hurricanes, Ryan added during a press briefing on Capitol Hill Thursday.

Now, reports suggest that Trump has also taken Democrats' advice over DACA. Earlier this week, we learned that the White House would be ending the program, with a six-month delay. The president followed that announcement with a tweet Thursday that assured DACA recipients do not have to worry about their fate in the next six months as Congress works to make the program lawful. 

It was apparently at Pelosi's request.

Mr. Trump posted the message after Ms. Pelosi asked him to do so. A Democratic congressional aide said that Ms. Pelosi told colleagues at an internal party meeting on Thursday morning that Mr. Trump called her and she asked him to make clear on Twitter that the immigrants in the program would not be thrown out of the country during the six-month wind-down period.

Was the GOP left on the sidelines again?