
Hillary Is More Unpopular than Trump

President Trump's approval numbers may be unflatteringly low, but Hillary Clinton's are worse.

In his six months in office, Trump has hit historically bad approval ratings, clocking in at just 39 percent. The media has reminded us of the unflattering polls constantly. However, Bloomberg just reported on a poll that the president is sure to like. 

Trump’s 2016 Democratic rival is viewed favorably by just 39 percent of Americans in the latest Bloomberg National Poll, two points lower than the president. It’s the second-lowest score for Clinton since the poll started tracking her in September 2009.

A drill down of the unflattering numbers are worse - even among those who voted for her.

More than a fifth of Clinton voters say they have an unfavorable view of her. By comparison, just 8 percent of likely Clinton voters felt that way in the final Bloomberg poll before the election, and just 6 percent of Trump’s voters now say they view him unfavorably.

Maybe that will keep the mainstream media quiet for awhile. 


The Clinton camp's arrogance perhaps accounted for why they ignored much of America's Rust Belt and preferred the company of liberal elites in major cities. She was the first major party nominee since 1972 to ignore Wisconsin - and she paid for it. Compound her neglectful campaign schedule with her ever changing email story, and you can see why voters said no thanks.

Instead of humbling herself and taking the majority of the blame for defeat, Clinton has thrown just about everyone else under the bus. She has claimed that the email investigation, sexism, and a "bankrupt" Democratic National Committee accounted for her loss.

If voters weren't turned off to her during the campaign, they certainly are now.

Would she have fared any better as president?