
McConnell: Senate Will Vote on Bill that Will Phase Out Obamacare Over Two Years

Just hours after two more Republican senators, Mike Lee (R-UT) and Jerry Moran (R-KS), came out against the Better Care Reconciliation Act, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell made an executive decision. He is reviving the same bill the GOP passed in 2015 (but was vetoed by President Obama), which would phase out Obamacare over the next two years.

The attempt to repeal and replace immediately, McConnell conceded, "will not be successful."

There's more.

Angry conservatives are letting the majority leader have it on Twitter. After all, they waited seven years for Republicans to take control of Congress and repeal Obamacare. 

The effort to repeal and replace President Obama's signature legislation stalled for so long because of concerns from both conservatives and moderates. Rand Paul (R-KY) said BCRA kept too many Obamacare regulations in place, while moderates like Susan Collins (R-ME) worried that a loss of funding for Medicaid would hurt America's "most vulnerable" citizens.

As for President Trump, he wanted to see Obamacare repealed ASAP.