
Poll: More Americans Support Trump on Issues Than Character

More Americans say they agree with President Trump on the issues than believe his character traits are presidential.   

According to a Gallup poll released Monday, 40 percent of Americans agree with Trump on important issues, while only 34 percent say Trump has personality and leadership qualities a president ought to have.

This is the opposite of what Gallup found with Trump’s two predecessors.

Americans consistently scored both Presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush better when it came to personality and leadership qualities than on the issues, Gallup explains.

On average, Americans rated Obama better on personality than on issues by 14 percentage points, 60% to 46%. For Bush, the average was nine points higher on personality, 59% to 50%. Americans rate Trump lower on personality than on issues by six points. […]

Not surprisingly, given his job approval rating of 38% in the July 5-9 poll, Americans do not hold Trump in high regard on either issues or leadership qualities. The percentage of Americans who say they agree with Trump on the most important issues nearly matches his approval rating. But significantly fewer Americans say he has the personality and leadership qualities a president should have. In fact, 18% of Americans approve of the job Trump is doing even though they do not think he has the proper make-up to be president. (Gallup)

The latest results were gathered from combining data from two separate Gallup polls on June 7-11 and July 5-9, among 2,030 adults. The survey has a margin of error of 3 percent.