
Trump's Monday Morning Tweetstorm: James Comey, Ivanka at G20 Summit, Healthcare, and More

President Trump had a lot to say on Twitter Monday morning, with tweets and retweets about former FBI Director James Comey, his daughter, Ivanka, at a G20 summit, healthcare and more.

Trump first retweeted a “Fox & Friends” segment about the report alleging that many of Comey’s memos about his conversations with the president contained classified information, which he said was “so illegal!”

He also addressed criticism he faced over having Ivanka sit in briefly for him during a G20 meeting.

“When I left Conference Room for short meetings with Japan and other countries, I asked Ivanka to hold seat. Very standard. Angela M agrees!” he said.

“If Chelsea Clinton were asked to hold the seat for her mother,as her mother gave our country away, the Fake News would say CHELSEA FOR PRES!” he added.

The president then retweeted messages from Fox News’s Sean Hannity and two other segments from “Fox & Friends.”

“HRC mishandles and destroys classified info-NO PROBLEM! Pay/play on Uranium one NO PROBLEM! Lynch BC tarmac: it's a "matter" NO PROBLEM,” Hannity wrote Sunday evening.

The Fox News tweets were about Chairman Jason Chaffetz discussing Comey’s memos and the head of the NYPD slamming Mayor Bill de Blasio for attending a protest in Germany over a vigil for the officer who was assassinated last week.

Finally, the president also weighed in on healthcare, saying he “cannot imagine that Congress would dare to leave Washington without a beautiful new HealthCare bill fully approved and ready to go!”