
Netflix Removes ‘Jihadis Next Door’ Documentary that Included Terrorist Responsible for London Attack

Netflix has removed the "Jihadis Next Door” documentary which included Kurah Shazed Butt, one of the terrorists responsible for the attack on London bridge this past weekend.

He appeared in the documentary along with other individuals associated with the British Islamic group al-Muhajiroun in London. In one scene, Butt helps unfurl a black Islamic banner, similar to an ISIS flag, in Regent Park and prays in front of it.

“Netflix said it had removed the content globally yesterday at the request of the distributor,” according to Metro UK.

The Channel 4 documentary, directed by Jamie Roberts, also featured Siddhartha Dhar (Abu Rumaysah), a former bouncy castle salesman who joined ISIS in Syria in September 2014 and is now suspected to be the new “Jihadi John” in the group’s propaganda videos.

Roberts said in an interview in January that the starting point for his film was “to ask whether the ideological warfare being waged by Islamic extremists on the streets of Britain translates to terror at home and abroad,” and that Rumaysah proves that it does.

Channel 4 has also removed the documentary from their website but it can be found on Youtube.

Butt helped carry out the horrific attack that killed 22 and wounded 48 with Youssef Zaghba and Rachid Redouane.

All three men were killed by armed officers within minutes of launching the attack in London Bridge and Borough Market.