
Al Sharpton Tweets Tribute to the Late Roger Ailes

Former Fox News Chairman Roger Ailes died Thursday at the age of 77. Rev. Al Sharpton, who appears frequently on cable news and once hosted a politics show on MSNBC, noted on Twitter that he and Ailes did not agree on much ideologically, but he could not deny the impact Ailes has had on U.S. news.

Other liberal media figures like Jehmu Greene, a former Fox News contributor, tweeted sweet messages.

On the conservative side of things, Fox News host Sean Hannity issued a meaningful statement, noting Ailes' "endless enthusiasm, energy, wit, humor and raw instinctive intelligence will be greatly missed." 

Conservative radio host Laura Ingraham credited Ailes with founding "one of the most important and successful media outlets in American history." She will "miss his friendship dearly."

This post has been updated.