
Chaffetz to FBI: Turn Over All Documents On Trump And Comey

The New York Times reported that President Trump reportedly tried to shut down the FBI investigation into his former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, saying to his ex-FBI Director James Comey that he hopes he can let the whole matter go. That memo was drafted by Mr. Comey in February, noting what he thought were the president’s improper actions concerning influencing an ongoing investigation.

Mr. Flynn has become the Typhoid Mary of the Trump administration. He’s didn’t disclose income from speeches he gave to three Russian companies, he didn’t sign the White House ethics pledge, he was lobbying on behalf of Turkey during the 2016 election, and he was selected as National Security Adviser even though the transition team knew that he probably was going to register as a foreign agent.

Flynn was eventually fired for not being truthful with Vice President Pence over communications he had with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. He said nothing substantive was discussed. It turned out the two men discussed American sanctions on Russia. Again, the conversation was probably fine. There’s no wrongdoing in the tealeaves, but not being forthcoming with the vice president, who then relayed that incomplete information to the rest of the country is a misstep that could end with you being shown the exit. And that’s what happened.

Now, Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT), chair of the House Oversight Committee, made it clear last night that he wanted to know about the existence of the memo, and that he had his subpoena pen ready to go. He invoked it hours later, demanding that the FBI turn over all documents relating to communications between President Trump and Mr. Comey. 

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) of the Senate Judiciary Committee also invited Mr. Comey to testify and give his side of the story.