
Chaffetz: If The Comey Memo Exists, I Have The Subpoena Pen Ready

The New York Times has an explosive story about President Trump asking then-FBI Director James Comey to end the Bureau’s investigation into Michael Flynn. The former national security adviser has been a thorn in the administration’s side concerning his undisclosed speaking fees, his intention to register as a foreign agent, his lobbying on behalf of Turkey during the Trump campaign, and him not signing the White House ethics pledge. Mr. Flynn keeps one thing fresh in the minds of Congress: Russia. The undisclosed speaking fees were from three Russian companies.

Mr. Comey reportedly drafted a memo detailing the president’s efforts to improperly influence the investigation into Mr. Flynn; saying that he hoped the former director would let the investigation go. Well, now Congress wants to know if the memo exists and its contents. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) have called on Mr. Comey to return to Capitol Hill to shed more light in this development. In fact, it seems he pretty much has to given that we could be talking about possible obstruction of justice committed by the Trump White House. Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT), chair of the House Oversight Committee, said that we need to see the memo, if it exists, sooner rather than later—and that he has his “subpoena pen ready.”

For more analysis, I'll direct you to Guy.