
Acting FBI Director: Agents Will Continue The Highly Significant Russia Investigation

Testifying in front of the Senate Intelligence Committee Thursday, Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe indicated the Bureau's "highly significant" investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election will continue despite President Trump's firing of Director James Comey this week. 

"It is my job to ensure the men and women of the FBI stay focused on the threat, stay focused on the issues that are of so much importance to this country, continue to protect the American people and uphold the constitution," McCabe said in response to questioning about whether the investigation will be paused. "I will ensure that happens."

McCabe said he has not discussed the Russia investigation with the White House, Attorney General Jeff Sessions or Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. 

Further, McCabe shot down press reports the FBI is under resourced for the investigation. 

"It has been widely reported that Director Comey asked Rosenstein for additional resources. I understand you do not believe you need additional resources?" Democrat Senator Kamala Harris asked.

"For the Russia investigation, I believe we are adequately resourced," McCabe said.

On the issue of former FBI Director James Comey's firing, McCabe said there is no crisis of confidence in the leadership of the Bureau.

"It was completely in the President's authority to take the steps that he did," McCabe said. "We all understand and respect that he and the Justice Department will work to find a suitable replacement and a permanent director and we look forward to supporting whoever that person is."