
Heh: Georgia Democrat Shrugs Off Not Even Living in the District He Wants to Represent

A quick follow-up to our post this morning, featuring liberal 30-year-old Congressional wannabe Jon Ossoff's rocky interview on CNN today, in which he was pressed on the fact that he doesn't even live inside the district he wants to represent. No big deal, he says, explaining that he's supporting his girlfriend's medical education by residing 'down the road:'

It's not an altogether terrible answer, although I'm not sure 'I'm living outside of the district to be with my girlfriend of 12 years' is an especially resonant explanation for suburban Georgians who may view him as under-experienced and too liberal.  He also refers to his family living "there" (in GA-06), as opposed to "here."  The Federalist's Sean Davis snarks that it's fitting how Ossoff has become a cause celebre among liberals who live somewhere other than the state of Georgia:

As Leah noted earlier, President Trump tweeted about the race again today:

Allahpundit wondered if this could be a net negative for Republicans, but Ed Morrissey disagreed, pointing out that Trump's last-minute involvement in KS-04 appears to have helped pull a flawed Republican candidate over the finish line.  Ed is right, but the Kansas district was far more pro-Trump in the November election than the Georgia district.  I still suspect that the president's attention to the race will help boost GOP turnout, whereas Democratic intensity is already sky high.  For what it's worth, Jeff from Decision Desk HQ predicts that Ossoff will slightly over-perform his average polling position (low 40's), but needs to top Hillary's percentage in the district (nearly 47 percent) to be viable in a runoff.  And if you plan to follow the results tonight, this guide from FiveThirtyEight is pretty handy:

Parting thought: Even if Democrats score a big win tonight, in what possible way would that deliver a "knockout blow" to the president?