
Memories: Spicer Reminisces on Glory Days as WH Easter Bunny

As it turns out, Sean Spicer made it big before he became Press Secretary, posing as the White House Easter Bunny. 

Under George W. Bush's administration, while Spicer was assistant United States trade representative for media and public affairs, he also doubled as the Easter Bunny for the White House Easter Egg Roll. 

Then: Spicer as Easter Bunny under GW Bush

Now: Spicer Reliving the Glory Days 

A great day at @whitehouse for the 139th #EasterEggRoll #whitehouse

A post shared by Sean Spicer (@seanmspicer) on

This year, however, the Press Secretary has taken on a new job. At the White House Easter Egg Roll today, he sat down and read an Easter book to a much younger crowd than he's used to addressing.