
Liberal CNN Contributor: Not Helpful That Hillary Blames Everyone But Herself For 2016 Loss

Hillary Clinton stopped by the hyper left Women In The World Summit last week, where she discussed with The New York Times’ Nicholas Kristof, among other things, the reasons for her upset 2016 loss to President Donald J. Trump. Clinton placed the blame on Wikileaks, FBI Director James Comey, misogyny, and Russia. Notice anything interesting, like Hillary Clinton not taking responsibility for losing? Liberal CNN contributor Kirsten Powers mentioned this with CNN’s Jake Taper on Thursday, noting that this aversion to take responsibility (since you were the candidate) isn’t helpful.

Never in this equation is Hillary Clinton to blame for anything, and she was, after all, the candidate. There were outside forces that were affecting the campaign, no question, but there were a lot of things, I think related to her candidacy that were problematic. And I don’t think this helps Democrats, frankly, to be looking back at this. I think people want to move on and not seem like sour grapes. It makes the audience she was talking to happy. This was Women in the World, very liberal women, and I think it makes the base happy, but I don’t think it’s helpful overall.

Powers said that people were attacking her on social media, questioning why she hates Clinton. She was adamant that she doesn’t hate the former first lady, but that serving up red meat to progressive audiences while avoiding what you as the candidate could have done better isn’t the best way to move on from this stinging defeat. We know that fake news didn’t play a pivotal role in the 2016 election. Russia didn’t tamper with voting totals. FBI Director Comey wanted to write an op-ed about Russian interference in the summer of last year, but was stopped by the Obama White House. And 52 percent of white women voted for Trump, showing that the women’s vote, much to the Left’s dismay, doesn’t march to the beat of liberal ideology or gender. It’s quite independent.

CNN’s Tapper also added that Comey didn’t tell Clinton to call tens of millions of Americans deplorable, like she did when referring to Trump voters, and that Russia didn’t tell her campaign to not visit Wisconsin.

Clinton and her followers seem to think that she was flawless, which occurs when your base only lives in cities with liberal media as news and progressives as neighbors. The truth of the matter is she sucked. The fact is that allegations of possibly mishandling classified information on an email server that wasn’t secure, or authorized by the State Department, might be a big deal to voters. It’s also the issue that sunk her on character issues. No one liked or trusted Clinton. She had no economic message. She thought the Obama coalition would align with her, despite them rejecting her overwhelmingly during the primaries. There were a lot of reasons why Clinton lost the 2016 election and some of them were her fault. We'll probably have to wait until rapture when she finally admits this.