
The UN Just Accused Israel of Apartheid

Israel is guilty of apartheid, according to The United Nations. In a new report published by the UN's Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia, the international body concludes that Israel's actions toward the Palestinians, most notably dividing them into four different groups, prove that Israel is imposing a one state racial regime.

"This fragmentation, coupled with the application of discrete bodies of law to those groups, lie at the heart of the apartheid regime," the report reads. "They serve to enfeeble opposition to it and to veil its very existence. This report concludes, on the basis of overwhelming evidence, that Israel is guilty of the crime of apartheid, and urges swift action to oppose and end it."

In addition to this fragmentation, the authors argue that Israel is also enforcing apartheid through its discriminatory hiring practices, inferior services, and "demographic engineering."

"Demographic engineering is another area of policy serving the purpose of maintaining Israel as a Jewish State. Most well known is Israeli law conferring on Jews worldwide the right to enter Israel and obtain Israeli citizenship regardless of their countries of origin and whether or not they can show links to Israel-Palestine, while withholding any comparable right from Palestinians, including those with documented ancestral homes in the country." 

Anti-Israel sentiment seems to be a theme throughout the UN. In recent years, the body has looked the other way at threats to Israel, such as Iran's dangerous path to a nuclear weapon, and has passed 223 resolutions condemning Israel in the past 10 years, fewer than many that have been written against nations with awful human rights records.

Even outgoing UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon admitted this week that the body tends to obsess over Israel.

If Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had the chance to respond to the UN directly following their "apartheid" report, we know he wouldn't mince words - or shy away from stare downs.

On a related note, the White House has proposed significant funding cuts to the UN.