
Pelosi: No, Sessions Scandal Is Not Like Loretta Lynch's Meeting With Bill Clinton

Echoing Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi is calling for Jeff Sessions to step down as attorney general after misleading the Senate about his prior communication with Russian officials. 

When she made her demands at a Capitol Hill press conference on Thursday, reporters asked her how the scandal compares to former Attorney General Loretta Lynch's private meeting with Bill Clinton on a plane last year during the FBI's investigation into his wife's email scandal. Surely, Lynch should have recused herself from the investigation, the press suggested.

The two situations, Pelosi argued, are night and day.

Lynch "did not have a major role" in the Hillary Clinton's campaign, Pelosi told the press. "This is a completely different thing."

Lynch's meeting with Clinton, she added, was "serendipitous." 

Uh huh, yeah we know. They only "talked about their grandchildren."