
DNC Deputy Keith Ellison: 'I'm Nobody's Window Dressing'

Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) did not win the race for Democratic National Committee chair - that title was given to former Labor Secretary Tom Perez - but he did earn the role of deputy. Ellison was liberal progressives' candidate of choice. They were incensed by Perez's "establishment" win. Yet, judging by the remarks Ellison made at his Minnesota homecoming, he plans to take full advantage of his new title to make a lasting mark on the party. 

"I need your support on this," Ellison told a crowd of supporters. "I'm not nobody's window dressing."  

The representative knows that progressives in the party are disappointed, but they need to unite for the good of their cause. That's why he stood side-by-side with Perez over the weekend. 

"We had to walk out of that room together," Ellison explained. "We helped deliver that. But now, we have to make it into something that really means something."

That "something" is likely a massive shift to the left.