
Dems Readying for All Night Battle Against DeVos

Democrats are so against Betsy DeVos' nomination for secretary of education that they are going to talk all night long in protest.

"Democrats will hold the floor for the next 24 hours, until the final vote, to do everything we can to persuade just one more Republican to join us," Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA) said in the Senate on Monday.

Murray is one of many Democrats who are concerned not only about DeVos' plan to pursue school choice programs, but her lack of experience and supposed poor performance in her confirmation hearings. "Saturday Night Live" even mocked the nominee in a skit over the weekend, portraying DeVos as clueless on the issues.

Two Republicans, Lisa Murkowski (AK) and Susan Collins (ME) joined their Democratic colleagues in vowing to vote against DeVos. Many people have pointed out that they are both beneficiaries of teachers unions. Because the vote is expected to come down to a 50-50 tie, for the first time in history the vice president may be required to cast the deciding vote.

Mike Pence is expected to confirm DeVos, meaning Democrats will have nothing to show for their Tuesday night talkathon except raspy voices.