
Former NYPD Commissioner on Schumer's 'Fake Tears': You Didn't Cry at Ground Zero

President Donald Trump isn’t the only one to call out Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer for crying ‘fake tears’ over his travel ban order.

Former New York Police Department Commissioner Bernie Kerik, who led the NYPD during 9/11, said that in all the time he spent with the New York senator and then-Mayor Rudy Giuliani at Ground Zero, he never saw Schumer overcome by emotion. 

"I never saw the man cry or whimper or any of that other stuff," Kerik said on Fox Business Network's The Intelligence Report, "That whole scene... I found it kind of appalling. You didn't cry on September 11th, you didn’t cry when you were with me or Rudy at Ground Zero."

Trump, who now calls the senator "Fake Tears Chuck Schumer," asked who his acting coach was at a listening session with business leaders in the White House on Monday.

“'Cause I know him,” Trump said of the top Senate Democrat. “I don't see him as crier. If he is, he's a different man. There's about a 5 percent chance it was real. But I think they were fake tears.”