
Chris Kyle's Iraqi Interpreter on Temporary Refugee Ban: Trump is Cleaning Up Obama's Trash

During an interview with CNN's Jake Tapper Tuesday evening Iraqi "Johnny Walker," who served as an interpreter in Iraq for Navy SEAL and American Sniper Chris Kyle, didn't mince words abut his support for President Trump's recent executive order temporarily banning certain refugees from entry into the United States. 

"Donald Trump wants to clean up Obama's trash, chaos and mistakes...just wait a few months, no problem," he said. "The process is going to take a long time but you know what? It's worth it. Because you're coming to the United States. The best country in the world. I waited four, five years to move to the United States. I lost half of my tribe, half of my family, my brother. But you know what? My journey is worth it."

Army Veteran and Iranian-American Assal Ravandi disagreed, arguing the ban was a symbolic gesture made to fulfill a campaign promise rather than to keep Americans safe. 

"Coming from a military intelligence background, it is not logical to base your safety base don a ban or executive order without bringing all of the pieces of the puzzle into play," Ravandi said.

Watch the entire exchange below: