
7 Cartoons That Perfectly Capture Trump’s First Week in Office

A lot has happened since Donald J. Trump was sworn in as the 45th President of the United States. 

Here are seven cartoons that perfectly capture Trump’s first week in office.

Step 1: Tidying up.

by Dana Summers 1/23/2017

TPP gets taken to the bottom of the sea.

by Nate Beeler 1/25/2017

Red tape is a thing of the past.

by Lisa Benson 1/25/2017

Getting straight to work.

by Lisa Benson 1/24/2017

Time to go on a diet.

by Jerry Holbert 1/23/2017

Hope is restored for pro-lifers.

by Glenn McCoy 1/24/2017

We’re gonna need a bigger press room.

by Ken Catalino 1/24/2017