
Krauthammer Says UN Israel Resolution Was a 'US Operation All the Way'

In the wake of the UN passing a resolution that condemns Israeli settlement building, a spokesman for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu publicly declared the U.S. was behind the move—and syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer agrees.

"This was a U.S. operation all the way," Krauthammer said on Fox News’ “Special Report” on Monday.

"This is very serious damage that cannot be undone because you can't change a Security Council resolution without the acquiescence of the Russians and the Chinese, and you're not gonna get it."

The U.S. abstained rather than vetoing the resolution that condemns West Bank and East Jerusalem settlements.

"It's as if the UN passed a resolution declaring Mecca and Medina to be sovereign Jewish or Christian territory," he said. "It's absurd. It's an insult to the intelligence of the world and is supremely damaging to the Israeli claim to its own holy places."