
It's Over: Trump Officially Won't Pursue Further Criminal Investigations Against Hillary Clinton

It was a common demand on the campaign trail: Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up!

But according to former Trump campaign manager and senior advisor Kellyanne Conway, President-elect Donald Trump has no plans to pursue criminal charges, an investigation or further legal action against former rival Hillary Clinton. This includes her use of a private email server and her controversial involvement with the Clinton Foundation during her time as Secretary of State. 

"I think when the President-elect, who’s also the head of your party, tells you before he’s even inaugurated that he doesn’t wish to pursue these charges, it sends a very strong message, tone, and content to the [Congressional] members,” Conway reportedly told Morning Joe Tuesday.

During the final presidential debate, Trump said Clinton would be "in jail" if he won the White House. 

During an interview with 60 Minutes after the election, Trump walked back his campaign comments and said he didn't want to hurt" the Clintons because they are "good people."