
Awkward: Student Bashes Hillary Clinton at Her Own Campaign Event

Over the weekend, with just days before the election, Senator Bernie Sanders was campaigning for Hillary Clinton in Iowa. Sen. Sanders was introduced by Kaleb Vanfosson, the president of Iowa State University’s Students for Bernie Club, who proceeded to tell the audience not to vote for Clinton. 

Vanfosson first bashed Donald Trump for failing to address the issue of student loan debt. 

“There’s a lot of important issues being talked about this election cycle, and one of the biggest ones is student debt…the part-time reality TV show star and full-time bigot Donald Trump…[is] failing to even talk about this issue,” he said. 

But then, in an unexpected twist, Vanfosson started slamming Clinton too.  

“Unfortunately, Hillary doesn’t really care about this issue either,” he said. “The only thing she cares about is pleasing her donors, the billionaires who fund her campaign. The only people that really trust Hillary are Goldman Sachs. CitiGroup can trust Hillary, the military industrial complex can trust Hillary, her good friend Henry Kissinger can trust Hillary.”

The audience applauded. 

“She is so trapped in the world of the elite that she has completely lost grip on what it’s like to be an average person. She doesn’t care,” he went on. “Voting for another lesser of two evils, there’s no point.”

Before Vanfosson could finish his speech, he was escorted off the stage by Clinton’s Iowa communications director.