
ACLJ Sues DOJ Over Secret Loretta Lynch-Bill Clinton Meeting

Now facing a federal lawsuit, Attorney General Loretta Lynch is going to have to shed light on her secret meeting with Bill Clinton just days before deciding Hillary Clinton’s fate.

The meeting, which took place in June on a private plane in Phoenix, Arizona, lasted 30 minutes. Lynch claimed the meeting was social and the two discussed grandchildren, their travels, and golf, but only days later James Comey announced the FBI would not be recommending criminal charges against the former secretary of state over her email scandal.   

The American Center for Law and Justice filed a federal lawsuit against the DOJ on Wednesday to get more details about the meeting. The move comes after the ACLJ filed Freedom of Information Act requests, which went nowhere.

The ACLJ said it had already filed freedom of information requests to the Obama Justice Department and the FBI asking for details on the meeting. It said the FBI had acknowledged the request and agreed to expedite its processing, but the Justice Department had remained silent. 

Lynch's department said July 7 that it was formally closing its Clinton probe - largely a formality after Comey said the FBI was not pressing charges. 

But now the ACLJ is demanding all messages that Lynch or her coworkers may have reviewed mentioning the rendezvous, names of everyone at the DOJ who has discussed the meeting, and any discussions about the press in relation to it, among other details.

“This Administration has gone out of its way to hide information from the American public – information that is extremely troubling,” Jay Sekulow, Chief Counsel of the ACLJ, said in a statement.

“The stakes are high. The American people deserve a Justice Department with integrity.”