
New WikiLeaks Emails Show Clinton Campaign Taking Advice From CNBC Anchor

WikiLeaks' latest email dump shows that Hillary Clinton's campaign was accepting tips from the media. The Daily Caller found the intriguing set of emails in which CNBC anchor John Harwood told Clinton campaign chair John Podesta what his candidate needed to do to inspire more confidence moving toward November.

"She looks so much more comfortable talking to Andrea today than to Brianna a few weeks ago," Harwood wrote to Podesta, regarding one of Clinton's interviews with CNN's Andrea Mitchell. Podesta was thankful for the journalist's opinion, responding, "I think she's over the hump."

Clinton's Director of Communications Jennifer Palmieri also "appreciated" Harwood's help when he emailed her the suggestion to look up a certain video dating back to the Nixon presidency that could be beneficial to their efforts.

These emails aren't so much an indictment of the Clinton campaign (we already have plenty evidence of that) than they are an embarrassing revelation of the state of today's media. That Harwood would feel totally comfortable offering a presidential campaign advice while he's supposed to be reporting on the election in a neutral manner shows he wasn't even trying to hide his political agenda.

Not that we're surprised, however. If you'll recall, Harwood was one of the stars of last year's most biased GOP primary debate. Throughout that infamous showdown in October, Harwood routinely interrupted and fought with the Republican presidential candidates. His behavior even did the impossible: it united the candidates. Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and others on stage temporarily set aside their differences to speak out against the moderators' shameful line of questioning.