
Congressional Black Caucus Calls Trump 'Racial Arsonist' After Birther Speech

Donald Trump admitted on Friday that he believed Barack Obama was born here in the United States, ending a years long controversy since he first raised the "birther" issue. Yet, his short speech was not enough to silence all his critics. On Friday afternoon, members of the Congressional Black Caucus tore into the GOP nominee and demanded he give the president a proper apology for questioning his background.

"America, are we going to let Trump use this issue to November 8?" asked Rep. Hank Johnson (D-GA). "This man is going to use this birther issue and all the other innuendos to divide America against each other."

Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) took his criticism even further, calling Trump "nothing more than a two bit racial arsonist."

Trump's rhetoric against minorities is "disgusting" and that he's offered "no substance" to this campaign, Rep. Mark Veasey (D-TX) added. "Hold this man accountable," he insisted.

Other CBC members called Trump a racist and bigot, to cheers of "Amen!"

So much for putting the issue to rest.