
15 Years After 9/11, Taliban Forces Seige Capital City in Southern Afghanistan

It has been 15 years since Islamic terrorists funded by Islamic cells in Afghanistan flew airplanes into the World Trade Center and killed nearly 3,000 Americans.

On Thursday, the Taliban stormed into the capital of Afghanistan's southern Uruzgan province, sending all government officials U.S. trained forces fleeing from the city, an Afghan official said.

All checkpoints around the city have been overrun or destroyed and local forces pleaded to the government in Kabul for reinforcements, according to provincial spokesman Doost Mohammad Nayab. He did not provide a casualty toll but said he feared that the city will soon completely fall to the insurgents.  Hundreds of Taliban are involved in the assault.

"We civilians are fed up with both the Taliban and the government, we don't care who is coming and who is going, we just want peace," a local shopkeeper said.

These Afghan forces that were supposed to repel such attacks have proven to be a complete wast of U.S. tax dollars.  Congress has appropriated nearly $113 billion Congress for reconstruction since 2001 when U.S.-led forces invaded the country.  About 60 percent of the $113 billion Congress has appropriated has gone to train and equip Afghan security forces.

And if training soldiers wasn't enough, government officials thought it would be a good idea to donate roughly $236 million worth of property to the Afghan government and about dismantle $39 million worth of equipment.

In a battle that took place between U.S-trained forces and the Taliban back in August, defeat was almost immediate.

“The police, as soon as they were inflicted with some casualties, gave up about 27 posts one after another without a fight, and our posts were surrounded by surprise,” said Col. Nematullah Khalil, the commander of the Afghan Army’s Third Regiment, 215 Corps. “The enemy planted a lot of mines wherever they reached, and that slows us down.  The police are fighting in the front line and suffer heavy casualties more than any other forces,” he said.

In a matter of a few months, Islamic terrorists have claimed almost as much territory as the U.S. held from 2003 to 2011.

As all attention is pointed towards ISIS in Northern Iraq and Syria, the Taliban are becoming stronger than ever in Afghanistan just in time for the 15th anniversary of 9/11.