
Pivot: Trump Finally Admits Sometimes He 'Uses the Wrong Words'

On Monday longtime GOP operative and pollster Kellyanne Conway became the third person tapped in the past three months to lead the Trump campaign as its manager. Thursday night for the first time since he announced his run for the White House last year, Donald Trump admitted he sometimes "uses the wrong words" during a speech in North Carolina.

"Sometimes in the heat of debate and speaking on a multitude of issues, you don’t choose the right words or you say the wrong thing. I have done that. And believe it or not I regret it, and I do regret it, particularly where it may have caused personal pain," Trump said. 

Conway is denying she had anything to do with Trump's apologetic message, but it's obvious she's already having a positive impact on the direction of the campaign.

Donald Trump's new campaign manager says his expression of remorse for making offensive comments was of his own volition.

"It was not me," Kellyanne Conway told ABC's Good Morning America Friday, saying the Republican nominee's apology Thursday "was all Donald Trump." She added that "perhaps he felt it before," but he chose that moment to express them.

Currently, Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is leading Trump in the Real Clear Politics average by six points.