
Kaine Clashes With Clinton Campaign Manager Over Abortion Law

Since becoming Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton's vice presidential running mate, Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine's abortion record has been in the spotlight. Of particular scrutiny was Kaine's apparent flip flop on the Hyde Amendment, legislation that prevents taxpayers from being forced to pay for abortions, especially through Medicaid. 

Last week, Clinton Campaign Manager Robby Mook suggested that Kaine had changed his mind on the legislation, telling CNN's Jake Tapper that Kaine will "stand" with Clinton on defending a woman’s right to choose and repealing the Hyde amendment. 

When Tapper asked Kaine to respond on Sunday, the VP pick said that is not accurate and doubted that's what Mook meant to say.

"On Hyde my position is the same I support the Hyde amendment," Kaine said. "I haven't changed that. As the vice president I have to get comfortable with the notion that I can have my personal views but I'm going to support the president of the United States and I will.”

Will this contradiction cause some tension on the Democratic ticket moving forward?