
Krauthammer: 'In France, You Will Not Hear Calls For Truck Control'

Syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer weighed in on the terror attack in Nice Thursday evening, assessing ISIS’s strength as well as commenting on the politics of the massacre.  

“Look, I don’t want to be treating this casually, but in France, you will not hear calls for truck control,” he said. “They know exactly what they are dealing with. Unlike here where we immediately get sidetracked into discussing the availability of the weapons.”

In the wake of the most recent terror attack in the U.S. at Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida, focus was immediately drawn to the gun control debate. This, despite the fact that the shooter, Omar Mateen, pledged his allegiance to ISIS during the attack.

“What they understand is the indigenous nature of the terrorist threat,” Krauthammer added. But he doesn’t believe the attack in Nice will have any significant effect on the U.S.  

“We get deeply affected by terror attacks at home, Orlando, obviously San Bernardino. But terror attacks overseas to us have an abstract quality," he said. “So I don’t think it will have a direct impact. But should there be a similar attack here at home, it will have a major impact and as usual, we tend to blame whoever is in party, the party that runs the country, and it inevitably helps … the opposition candidate.”