
AG Lynch On Dallas Shooting: The Answer Is Never Violence

UPDATE: Our friends at Twitchy found Lynch's "do not be discouraged by those who would use your lawful actions as a cover for their shameful violence" remark, which was directed at the Black Lives Matter movement,a bit odd. After all, liberals seem to blame the NRA (and gun owners as a whole) for every mass shooting in the country, despite being the nation's oldest civil rights organization.


Attorney General Loretta Lynch delivered a very brief statement in the wake of the Dallas ambush that left five police officers dead. Twelve officers in total were shot, including two bystanders, last night following a peaceful protest against the police-related shootings of Alton Sterling in Louisiana and Philando Castile in Minnesota. CNN reported that Dallas Police were walking alongside protestors, as they protected participants in their constitutional right to assembly.

Lynch added that the Department of Justice, The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, the U.S. Marshal Service, and the FBI are all on the scene providing assistance to local law enforcement.

She said this is an ongoing investigation and further details will be released at the appropriate time. Lynch added that the feelings of fear are understandable, but the answer is never violence. The answer is calm, peaceful, and collaborative action.

The attorney general then pivoted to gun control for a hot second, adding that we must also look at the ways in which criminals are able to obtain firearms in the country. She emphasized that we must reject the falling into the trap of adopting the easy impulses of rancor and move toward the admittedly more difficult path of moving forward.

Lynch said that we’re all Americans. Our hearts of broken by this awful act that led to the deaths of these police officers. To the protestors, she assured them that their voices will be heard, and that law enforcement will continue to safeguard their constitutional rights. She also implored Americans not to let this become the new normal in the country. Let us support one another, heal one another, and not turn against each other.