
The Email Controversy Continues

Yesterday, even more news on the on-going Hillary Clinton email scandal surfaced with the release of the deposition of Clinton aide Huma Abedin. According to Abedin, Clinton did not want the emails on her private server to be accessible to "anybody," and also the server created some communication problems for Clinton.

If you haven't heard of the newly-discovered withheld Clinton emails, check out this wonderful write-up by Guy Benson to get yourself up to speed.

One of the big communication problems with Clinton's private email was that messages sent from her private email to her State Department email were marked as spam and not received. 

Abedin even raised this concern to Clinton in a 2010 email. "We should talk about putting you on State e-mail or releasing your e-mail address to the department so you are not going to spam," wrote Abedin. 

This technical problem resulted in Clinton missing an important phone call with a foreign minister, according to Abedin's testimony. 

"Her initial e-mail was about a phone call with a... foreign minister, which she missed and missed the call because she never got the-- I never got her e-mail suggests-- giving us the signoff to do it. So she wasn't able to do her job, do what she needed to do" said Abedin. It seems like her convenience trumped her ability to perform her job, although it is Clinton we're talking about so it's not very surprising. 

Also, Abedin defended Clinton withholding her private emails, but her response isn't convincing and reinforces the suspicion that many still have over this whole ordeal. 

"Just like you wouldn't-- I would imagine anybody who has personal e-mail doesn't want that personal e-mail to be read by anybody else," said Abedin. That would make sense for any normal person, but Clinton was the Secretary of State and we have a right to see all her emails. I mean, look at these recently recovered emails that Clinton deemed personal.

Another interesting thing that this deposition uncovered is the fact that Clinton may have indeed been hacked, despite her claims that her server and private email were completely secure. During the deposition, Abedin mentioned that she was told by a State Department IT employee that she wasn't receiving mail on her Clinton email account, because he thought someone was trying to hack them. 

Abedin repeated Clinton's line of thought that the private email server and account were allowed by the State Department, even though a recent Inspector General report proved that the server would never have been allowed if she had requested permission for it. 

In typical Clinton fashion, her campaign criticized the Judicial Watch lawsuit for trying to advance political purposes, despite the fact that it has been proven that Clinton lied multiple times about her emails. 

"Judicial Watch represents everything that is wrong with our political system," said Nick Merrill, a Clinton campaign spokesman. "Manufacturing wrongdoing has been central to their singular agenda since their inception. Worse, they do this by clogging up the courts at the expense of tens of millions of tax-payer dollars."

Check out the whole deposition for yourself here