
Trump Beats Hillary by 4 Points in This Latest Poll, Majority Say Muslims Should be Banned in Another

In a wild week of polling showing Donald Trump in a deficit of as much as 12 points, he now leads his Democratic counter-part by four points, 43 to 39 in a new Rasmussen poll.  

One key note from the poll shows that Trump now earns 75 percent support from Republicans and picks up 14 percent of the Democratic vote. Seventy-six percent of Democrats like Clinton, along with 10 percent of GOP voters. 

Eighty-nine percent of voters who Strongly Approve of the job Obama is doing choose Clinton. Trump has 86 percent support among those who Strongly Disapprove of the president’s job performance.

Meanwhile, in a Fox News poll that was released on Wednesday, 53 percent of Americans support a temporary ban on Muslims entering the U.S. and only 40 percent think such an action would make the country safer.