
Oh Joy: Senate Republican Leadership To Allow A Vote On Another Gun Control Bill

Just as Senate Republicans successfully defended the Bill of Rights from pro-gun control amendments offered by Democrats last night, Maine Republican Sen. Susan Collins is putting forward her own gun control amendment that is also likely to go down in flames (via Reuters):

Republican Senator Susan Collins of Maine was trying to keep gun control attempts alive. She was expected on Tuesday to introduce a measure that would curb weapons sales to people on a narrow terrorism watch list.

Democrats' efforts to pass a broader prohibition failed on Monday.

The Collins’ Amendment takes a narrower approach to some of the amendments offered last night (Via the Hill):

The legislation would allow the attorney general to block the sale of a gun if an individual is on the "no-fly" list or the so-called "selectee" list, which requires additional screening at an airport.

Collins said the two lists affect approximately 109,000 people, most of whom are foreigners.

The legislation would allow the decision to be appealed. If successful, Collins said Americans and green card holders could get their attorney fees covered if their appeal is successful.

It also includes a "look back" provision that would notify the FBI if someone who was on the broader terror watchlist in the past five years buys a gun.

If these foreigners don’t have an ICE-issued identification card and a valid alien number, then they can’t buy firearms, making this pretty much a useless enforcement measure. Yet, things are moving ahead. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said he’s allowing this measure to come for a vote on the Senate floor. Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said that while he supports Second Amendment rights, “every right has boundaries.” He also said that these amendments are pretty much war measures.

Oh, and Republicans did offer amendments that would've made it more difficult for those suspected of terrorist activity from buying guns last night. The problem is that they added provisions guaranteeing due process of law: