
Hillary Gets Huge Applause in Cleveland for Pledging to Ban Assault Weapons

Presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton addressed the Orlando terror attack at Team Wendy on Monday afternoon, a factory in Cleveland that makes headgear to protect American troops.

“We face a twisted ideology that inspires so called lone wolves,” Clinton said, before saying stopping these lone wolves would be her top priority as president.

“We need to step up airstrikes” against ISIS, she insisted. “We have to be just as adaptable as our enemy.”

Clinton’s indication that we have much work to do in the fight against terror caused the RNC to remind supporters about her remarks at a Democratic debate in December when she said we were “where we need to be” in the fight against ISIS.

Clinton said she will focus on three particular areas as commander-in-chief. One, “we and our allies must work hand-in-hand” to stem the flow of jihadists. Two, we must harden our defenses and support our first responders. Finally, we have to prevent radicalization and counter efforts by ISIS and other terrorist networks to recruit in the United States. “It is long past time for the Saudis to stop their citizens from funding extremist organizations,” for example.

Clinton said that as a New York senator there were no political obstacles to working together to help the city rebuild after September 11. She worked with Republican President George W. Bush and New York City’s Republican Gov. Rudy Giuliani to help citizens recover.

“We need to return to the spirit of 9/12,” she said.

Of course, these comments came after Clinton invoked the need for gun control.

In her remarks, she called for a ban on assault weapons, which resulted in her loudest applause line so far.

“Weapons of war have no place on our streets,” she said, once the crowd quieted.

The former secretary of state continued to say that we may not all agree on gun rights, but we should all be able to agree that if the FBI is watching you on suspected terrorist links, you shouldn’t be able to go buy a gun with no questions asked.

Clinton's remarks echoed President Obama's, who earlier on Monday said guns can too easily be obtained by disturbed individuals. 

Meanwhile, presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump is renewing his call for a temporary ban on Muslims to the United States.