
NY Daily News Blames NRA For Orlando Shooting

True to form, the New York Daily News isn't holding back in their June 13 edition, and is blaming the NRA for the terrorist attack at a gay nightclub in Orlando.

The attack was carried out by Omar Mateen, who pledged allegiance to ISIS before storming the nightclub. His guns were purchased legally.

Naturally, people were quick to call out the NYDN for their absurd accusation, noting that someone who was intent on mass murder likely wouldn't have been deterred by gun laws.

And then there's this:

When someone rapes a woman, we put the blame squarely on the rapist. When someone stabs or strangles someone, the blame is placed on the murderer. Yet for some reason, when a man who confesses allegiance to ISIS goes on a rampage and murders 50 people at a nightclub, it's not the shooter's fault--it's the NRA's.
